KP Mental Health in the Time of COVID: A HouseCalls Collective Conversation
Information about the event:
Moderator, Nabonita Dutta, M.S. CCC is hosting a HouseCalls collective conversation between providers, Machel Best, LCSW, Dr. Marlen Kanagui-Muñoz, and You, our collective community. In our discussion we aim to provide education about mental health in the time of COVID and what resources are available at Kaiser Permanente.
The past two years have been difficult for all of us— many have lost their jobs and financial security, others work longer hours, unable to travel or visit friends and family and many more have lost loved ones to COVID-19. All of these issues take a toll on our bodies and our minds which is why it is important for our community and family leaders, like yourself, to not only acknowledge that mental health exists, but also help someone to may need more assistance.
Sometimes it can be difficult to differentiate when someone is having a bad couple of days or if someone needs more assistance with their mental health.
In this HouseCalls we will discuss:
- How to know when you or any loved one in your family and life may need mental health treatment,
- How to obtain assistance from the department of psychiatry, and
- How to take advantage of the different forms of mental health treatments at Kaiser Permanente East Bay
This is a FREE, virtual interactive event open to the community. We have invited all of our members and their families to listen and participate in the conversation.
About Housecalls
HouseCalls is a virtual communication tool created to S.E.E.E. our members and create conversation around making healthy lifestyle choices, self- advocacy, and best practices in the prevention of chronic disease.
- Support our members and community to take control of their preventive care and chronic conditions
- Explore and identify opportunities to improve care
- Encourage dialogue and partnership between members and medical specialists
- Educate on how to care for chronic conditions at home
Please view prior events here: