Racial Equity Action Plan
San Francisco Health Service System
Racial Equity Action Plan: Phase I Report
Phase I of our department’s Racial Equity Action Plan (REAP) and Appendix follow guidance from the San Francisco Office of Racial Equity on addressing interpersonal and institutional racism within all city departments. This includes a critical analysis of organizational culture, leadership practices, and policies related to hiring, retention and promotion.
Organizational transformation begins from the inside out by improving staff programs, policies, culture, and the quality of interactions among the people who compose it.
By beginning our journey inward, we believe that this growth will create a healthier SFHSS community and a lasting ripple effect for the members we serve. The REAP development process inspired the department to embed racial equity within our ‘Organizational Excellence’ framework to enhance the existing SFHSS Strategic Plan.
Racial equity is the just and fair inclusion in society so that all people participate, prosper, and reach their full potential, no matter their race, ethnicity or background.
San Francisco Office of Racial Equity
A Division of the Human Rights Commission