School’s Out: Getting Everyone Through the Summer
It is summertime, and school is out! For many people, summer conjures images of lazy, relaxing days at the beach. However, for many working families, summer brings the challenges of balancing the demands
of adult work schedules with the desire to provide safe, fun activities for children. This workshop offers several ideas on summer activities and provides practical suggestions on how to keep your kids safe
while you’re at work.
At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
Identify the opportunities and challenges associated with summer time
- Describe how to involve your child in fun educational activities
- Identify the importance of setting expectations regarding summer plans and scheduling
- Identify ways to increase cooperation and encourage problem solving around free time planning
Identify summer safety plans
- Describe simple safety guidelines for keeping your children safe while you are at work, on the playground, biking and in the pool
- Identify simple first aid measures such as sunburn prevention and treatment
- Describe how to increase your child’s ability to take on additional responsibilities around the home