Introducing the Mahmee Membership for Doula Care and Wraparound Support
Introducing the Mahmee Membership for Doula Care and Wraparound Support: Your New Insurance Offering Explained, and an Exclusive Meet and Greet with Mahmee Doulas.
Are you curious about the role of a doula and how they can enhance your pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum journey? Look no further! Join us for a meet and greet session, where we'll introduce you to the comprehensive doula care program included in your Mahmee Membership, courtesy of Blue Shield of California insurance.
Activating a Mahmee Membership gives you access to a wraparound maternity support team that includes doulas, registered nurses, lactation consultants, mental health coaches, nutrition coaches and care coordinators. Get expert guidance and childbirth education that helps you prepare for each trimester of pregnancy, labor and delivery, and postpartum through one-on-one appointments, support groups, and classes. And the best part? All these services are available seven days a week, at no cost to you.
This is your chance to learn about Mahmee’s team-based care model, and explore your options for both virtual and in-person doula support in pregnancy, during childbirth, and in the postpartum period. Topics to be covered:
- What does a doula do?
- Why are doulas linked to improved maternal health?
- How does Mahmee’s team-based care model work?
- What types of doula care are available to me in pregnancy and postpartum?
- How does a doula work with other members of my care team?
- How do doulas collaborate with partners or other family members?
Bring your questions for the Q&A portion, and discover how doulas can be parents’ fiercest advocates during the pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum experience.