Understanding Depression
Many people still believe that the emotional symptoms caused by depression are “not real,” and that a person should be able to shake off the symptoms. Because of these inaccurate beliefs, people with depression either may not recognize that they have a treatable disorder or may be discouraged from seeking or staying on treatment due to feelings of shame and stigma. As a result, many people with a depressive illness never seek treatment. But the vast majority, even those with the most severe depression, can get better with treatment. Intensive research into the illness has resulted in the development of medications, psychotherapies, and other methods to treat people with this disabling disorder. This workshop will identify the symptoms associated with depression, possible causes and treatments.
At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:
• Recognize the signs and symptoms of depression
• Recognize how depression impacts work performance
• Identify possible causes of depression
• Describe treatment options for depression
• Identify ways of reducing the risk for depression
• Describe ways of helping family and friends who may have depression