Open Enrollment Health and Benefits Webinar Videos
Actives Health Plan Webinar (recorded October 1, 2020).
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and PowerPoint Presentation
Our first Webinar took place on October 1, 2020. You can find a copy of the PowerPoint slides from the presentation along with a helpful FAQ document, which includes a lot of good questions and answers from members!
Retirees Health Plan Webinar (recorded October 14, 2020).
PowerPoint Presentation
The Retiree Webinar took place on October 14, 2020. You can find a copy of the PowerPoint slides from the presentation below.
Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs), Dental and Vision Plans Webinar for Actives (recorded October 14, 2020).
PowerPoint Presentation
The FSA, Dental and Vision plan Webinar took place on October 14, 2020. You can find a copy of the PowerPoint slides from the presentation.
P&A Group's Supplemental Video on FSAs (recorded October 20, 2020).
Below is a video provided by our FSA Administrator P&G Group. The video provides clarifications from the 10-14-20 Webinar video above. The video explains the Child Care Dependent Care FSA in detail including what events qualify members to make changes to their existing elections outside of Open Enrollment (e.g. when a daycare center re-opens) and qualifying expenses. This video was recorded by P&A Group on 10-20-20.