Supporting Employee Resiliency with Recognition & Appreciation

"Going to Work" looks different from what we are used to. Organizations need ways to recognize employees who have transitioned their work duties to be at home or on the frontline. Nearly 9 out of 10 HR professionals say recognition and appreciation has more of an impact during these unprecedented times. Learn how to keep your employees from feeling invisible by providing a sense of community, personal interaction, visibility, and recognition for their accomplishments. This session will provide attendees with ideas for effective employee recognition and appreciation strategies.

Next Steps

  • Review presentation slides - identify recognition and appreciation practices that can be implemented at leadership level (for department leads) and peer level (for champions)
  • Email if you're interested in taking recognition to the next level with a pilot program supported by SFHSS
  • Request activities for your department
  • Promote upcoming citywide activities
Download Presentation
  • Resources


    Bring well-being to your workplace or virtually by requesting onsite activities that will engage employees in well-being.


    Submit an application to receive financial assistance in your well-being efforts.

    Key Player Training's

    Stay up to date with well-being resources you can implement at your worksite and meet other Well-Being Champions and Department Leads by attending quarterly training's hosted by SFHSS Well-Being Team. 

  • Spotlights


    Spotlights provide the opportunity to highlight programs and the individuals/groups that promote well-being.  Learn more and nominate a program at your workplace! Start by completing the nomination form.


    Well-Being@Work Awards recognize departments that are taking steps toward making employee well-being a priority in the workplace.  Awards recognize departments that make an exerted effort to strategically impact the well-being of their employees, following guidelines and best practices provided by the SFHSS Well-Being Team. In order to receive an award departments must have a Well-Being@Work Annual Plan in place.

  • SFHSS Well-Being Team

    We're Here to Help

    Contact a Well-Being@Work team member for additional support in bringing well-being to your workplace: