Physical Activity Training Resources

Running PHysical Activity

Benefits of Physical Activity @Work

Adding more movement to the day can be as simple as taking a minute to stretch, walking with a coworker during lunch or standing up after sitting for long periods of time.  By promoting physical activity, departments can improve

  • Employee job satisfaction in the quantity and quality of their work
  • Promote stress management
  • Increase productivity
  • Maintain a healthier workforce

Physical Activity @Work Goal:  

Help employees establish healthy behaviors that support physical activity throughout their workday

Resources outlined below are for Departments focusing on Physical Activity.

There will be three Key-Player Trainings hosted each year:  Raise Awareness, Offer Programs, and Create a Culture.  Once a training has taken place, the training decks and resource links will go live.  Use the resources identified below to help you execute the objectives outlined in your Well-Being@Work Annual Plan.  

Questions about how to use a resource, contact


Training Decks:

Physical Activity Well-Being@Work Resources
