Level Up! Strategies for Virtual Engagement

In a recent Covid-19 Well-Being survey, conducted by SF Health Service System, 85% of employees reported that technology has helped them stay connected with colleagues in a collaborative way. Establishing social connections and engaging employees in a virtual setting can be challenging, but not impossible.  Capitalize on the virtual platforms your employees are using and explore opportunities to “level up” your well-being engagement game!   

Laptop with Gallery View for Participants

Virtual Engagement "Levels":  

  • Communication- Engage in dialogue and feedback to understand interest
  • Choose Health- Offer programs that are meaningful to employees
  • Community- Establish opportunities for employees to connect, socialize, and work together

Each of these "levels" of engagement offer an opportunity to introduce well-being concepts at the workplace. 

How will you Level Up?!


VIRTUAL ENGAGEMENT-  Critical Elements to Consider First: 

Know Your Audience

Consider what tools your peers need in order to participate in well-being activities

Garner Management Support

Identify leaders that champion well-being and keep managers informed with well-being resources

Identify Challenges

Champions should work with Department Leads to identify barriers and challenges that would prevent participation in well-being offerings


Training Materials:

Transition with Covid-19

Many of our workplaces have a hybrid workforce with employees telecommuting---and some departments have become completely remote. With social distancing guidelines, it’s important to engage employees while maintaining health and safety practices.
  • Resources

    Onsite Activities

    Bring well-being to your workplace by requesting onsite activities that will engage employees in well-being.


    Submit an application to receive financial assistance in your well-being efforts.

    Key Player Training's

    Stay up to date with well-being resources you can implement at your worksite and meet other Well-Being Champions and Department Leads by attending quarterly training's hosted by SFHSS Well-Being Team. 

  • Recognition


    Spotlights provide the opportunity to highlight programs and the individuals/groups that promote well-being.  Learn more and nominate a program at your workplace! Start by completing the nomination form.


    Well-Being@Work Awards recognize departments that are taking steps toward making employee well-being a priority in the workplace.  Awards recognize departments that make an exerted effort to strategically impact the well-being of their employees, following guidelines and best practices provided by the SFHSS Well-Being Team. In order to receive an award departments must have a Well-Being@Work Annual Plan in place.

  • SFHSS Well-Being Team

    We're Here to Help

    Contact a Well-Being@Work team member for additional support in bringing well-being to your workplace: