Sleep for Better Health Campaign

This March, SFHSS will launch the Sleep for Better Health campaign.

Join us for an informative training on how sleep impacts employees’ mental health and well-being. Many people are unaware that sleep problems can be a hidden barrier to emotional and mental health. By improving your sleep, you can significantly enhance your overall mental wellness. This is a valuable opportunity to learn how better sleep can help employees feel more energized, focused, and mentally well in their daily lives. Don’t miss out!

Attend Training on February 12

Training Objectives:

  • Understand the causes of fatigue and its effects on mood and mental health.
  • Discover simple strategies to improve sleep and feel more rested.
  • Learn about the Sleep for Better Health campaign timeline, programs, and resources.
  • Explore new Well-Being@Work offerings for 2025.

Next Steps: 

  1. Promote the campaign website,
  2. Download and share campaign promo materials: Sleep for Better Health FlyerSleep Hygiene Tips FlyerShift Work Sleep Tips Flyer
  3. Send a sleep campaign departmentmentwide email the week of 2/24, download Email Template 
  4. Request SFHSS-sponsored activities to support sleep awareness and/or host department-led activities
  5. MHFA training for Champions pilot, Sign up today, deadline 2/28
  6. Interest in hosting DPP at your worksite, email

Training Materials:
