Well-Being@Work Overview (2020-21)

Well-Being@Work makes it easier for Departments to communicate their commitment to facilitate well-being in the workplace. The resources provided below are intended to help departments develop a well-being strategy that is meaningful to employees and aligned with department priorities.

Well-Being@Work 3 icons

Well-Being@Work Annual Plan Components:  

  • Raise Awareness- Communication
  • Offer Programs- Employee Engagement
  • Create a Culture- Leadership Support

Within these three components, the SFHSS Well-Being team works with departments to support employee well-being in the workplace, with intentional efforts focused on COVID-19 needs.

Download the Overview Training Deck below to review resources referred to in the Annual Plan Checklist and the Environmental Inventory.  

Complete Annual Plan Checklist

If your department has multiple champions, coordinate with everyone (including your Department Lead) and schedule a time to meet! Discuss goals for 2020-21 based on department priorities

Complete Environmental Inventory

Review each component of the inventory and align it with your discussion for the Annual Plan.

Meet with Coordinator

Schedule a date to meet with your Well-Being@Work Coordinator in August or September. Reach out and provide your availability by end of July!


Training Materials:

Did You Know?

Well-Being sends out monthly emails with resources, services, and tips you can share with staff. Sign up today!
  • Resources

    Onsite Activities

    Bring well-being to your workplace by requesting onsite activities that will engage employees in well-being.


    Submit an application to receive financial assistance in your well-being efforts.

    Key Player Training's

    Stay up to date with well-being resources you can implement at your worksite and meet other Well-Being Champions and Department Leads by attending quarterly training's hosted by SFHSS Well-Being Team. 

  • Recognition


    Spotlights provide the opportunity to highlight programs and the individuals/groups that promote well-being.  Learn more and nominate a program at your workplace! Start by completing the nomination form.


    Well-Being@Work Awards recognize departments that are taking steps toward making employee well-being a priority in the workplace.  Awards recognize departments that make an exerted effort to strategically impact the well-being of their employees, following guidelines and best practices provided by the SFHSS Well-Being Team. In order to receive an award departments must have a Well-Being@Work Annual Plan in place.

  • SFHSS Well-Being Team

    We're Here to Help

    Contact a Well-Being@Work team member for additional support in bringing well-being to your workplace: