Hatha Yoga- ZSFG (Zoom)
This class is provided by Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center. Hatha Yoga is a set of physical postures (yoga poses) and breathing techniques, practiced more slowly and with longer posture holds.
Hatha Yoga by Hiromi
Join Zoom Meeting
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81670772521?pwd=M0ZrQnJEN1lOUHlRY1g1Rk9UTExHQT09
Meeting ID: 816 7077 2521
Password: 919517
Participants eligible to participate in this class include: Employees and retirees of CCSF, CCD, USD, CRT, and all SFHSS members.
- Participants will need to join using the Zoom platform, this may require a download
- Leave your video on the help instructors.
- Exercise equipment is not needed to join this class.
- There is no cost for this class.
- No advance registration required.
- Classes may be cancelled without notice
Note: Participate at your own risk. We encourage all attendees to be mindful of their physical limitations and safety during the class. Please consult with your doctor if you have questions about which type of exercise is best for you.