Blue Shield of California
These benefits are available to actively employed and non-Medicare retirees.
Self-refer up to 30 visits for chiropractic and 30 visits for acupuncture per year. Services are provided through the American Specialty Health network at $15 co-pay per visit. To find a practitioner, click the button below or call (800) 678-9133. If you need to book additional visits beyond the 30 visits covered by this plan, contact Blue Shield at (855) 747-5800 to request a preauthorization.
Blue Shield of California PPO -Chiro services up to $1,000 maximum per member, per calendar year and Accu services up to $1,000 maximum per member, per calendar year. Also, add the PPO Connect number (888) 499-5532.
Blue Shield also offers additional discounted acupuncture and chiropractic services through the ChooseHealthy discount program. Click the button below or call (888) 999-9452.
Note: Acupuncture and chiropractic services must be medically necessary. Call Blue Shield or read your Evidence of Coverage (EOC) for details on what is covered.
Health Net CanopyCare HMO
- $15 copay for each visit (up to 30 visits per plan year)
- $15 copay for each visit (up to 30 visits per plan year)
What you need to know:
- No referral needed from your PCP
- 30 visits each per calendar year for chiropractic and acupuncture services.
- Get a 25% discount on fees from network acupuncturists, chiropractors and massage therapists.
- Go to provider search page at www.healthnet.com/SFHSS and select Find chiropractic and acupuncture providers to locate a chiropractic or acupuncture provider near you.
ChooseHealthy 877-335-2746. Sign up at the ChooseHealthy website, click the Wellness Center tab. Get a 25% discount on fees from network acupuncturists, chiropractors and massage therapists once your benefits have been exhausted.
Kaiser Permanente
These benefits are available to actively employed and retired members residing in a California service area.
Members residing in the Hawaii, Northwest and Washington service areas should refer to their Evidence of Coverage (EOC) for more information on chiropractic and acupuncture services.
Self-refer up to 30 total visits (combined for chiropractic and acupuncture) per year. Services are provided through the American Specialty Health network at $15 co-pay per visit. Find a practitioner at by clicking the button below or call (800) 678-9133.
Note: Acupuncture and chiropractic services must be medically necessary. Call Kaiser or read your Evidence of Coverage (EOC) for details on what is covered.