In Times of Transition, Change, or Challenge

You are often required to to juggle multiple priorities and competing demands, especially in times of transition and challenge. EAP Counselors are here to support and consult with you to help you develop solutions that are tailored to the unique needs of your work environment.
Services Available
EAP Essentials For Leadership and Psychological First Aid
Prepare for challenges by knowing how to use EAP services. This one hour introduction to the SFHSS Employee Assistance Program informs managers, supervisors, directors and human resource professionals about the variety of services offered to employees, and the unique consultation, coaching, counseling and organizational services offered to leaders.
Learn about how and when to refer an employee to the EAP and learn the basics of psychological first aid to help your employees after a disruptive event / critical incident. Call (628) 652-4600 or email us at
Group Facilitation
Is your work unit dealing with an issue that could use a counselor/facilitator to help bring clarity and to start the work of problem-solving? Call EAP for a consultation to learn what might be helpful for your group. Call (628) 652-4600 or email us at
Mediation occurs between two employees who are having difficulty resolving differences that impact their ability to work together. Supervisors and managers are involved in the mediation process to ensure accountability as work time is used for this service.
Call (628) 652-4600 or email us at
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