February 13, 2025 HSB Regular Board Meeting
The Health Service Board meetings will be held on the second Thursday of each month at 1:00 pm in City Hall Room 416.
This meeting is open to the public. This meeting will be held in person at the location listed above and can be viewed live on SFGovTV. SFGovTV records the meeting with video, audio, and caption notes. For a complete archive of past Health Service Board Regular meeting broadcasts, please visit SFGovTV here.
Questions or comments regarding this meeting or board materials should be directed to:
Board Secretary
c/o San Francisco Health Service System
1145 Market Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
email: health.service.board@sfgov.org
phone: 628-652-4646
ChatGPT Generative AI was used to write the presentation descriptions below.
Agenda Items
Approval of Meeting Minutes
Meeting minutes are a summary of what was discussed during a meeting. They cover the questions asked by the board members, how each member voted, and any comments made by attendees.
President's Report
The President can discuss important topics with the Board. This report may cover health topics, any concerns the Board should discuss, and/or remind Board members to finish their assigned tasks.
No written report.
Director's Report
The director’s report provides the Health Service Board with updates on current department projects and programs. The report may share healthcare news. The report will announce new staff at SFHSS.
SFHSS Financial Report as of December 31, 2024
The finance report gives updates on the department budget. The report tracks the monthly spending in the three accounts we manage. The department must have an auditor review how it uses money in the budgets. The report will list any reviews and when they are complete.
Proposed SFHSS General Administrative Fund Budget Fiscal Year End 2026 and FYE 2027
The Mayor’s office controls the administrative budget for the whole city. The Mayor decides how much each department receives each year. The budget is given to help the department run day-to-day operations. This money pays for salaries, office supplies, utilities, administrative services, and other general costs necessary to keep the organization running. The Board approves this budget each year.
Proposed SFHSS Healthcare Sustainability Fund Budget Fiscal Year End 2026 and FYE 2027
This budget supports activities and long-term projects. It helps improve member services, manage rising healthcare costs, and support the well-being of all members. The Board approves this budget each year.
HSB Rates and Benefits Calendar for Plan Year 2026
Each year, we have something called the Rates and Benefits Cycle. In this process, SFHSS looks at our health plans and decides if any changes are needed, including how much they cost. This helps SFHSS set goals and figure out what we need to do to stick to the SFHSS Mission. The process happens in meetings that everyone can attend, from February to June each year. The calendar shows when all the presentations about health plan rates will be.
Board Education Healthcare Cost Trend Influencers Update
This is new information about what is influencing healthcare cost trends over the past year. This information is about medical benefits and pharmacy benefit trends. This will help us understand what impacts the cost for next year.
VSP Vision Fully Insured 2026 Rates and Contributions
Vision Service Plan is a company that provides eye care (or “vision”) insurance for SFHSS members. The annual renewal presentation tells how much the vision insurance rates for the next year.
Blue Shield Medicare Advantage PPO Transition Update
Retirees will have the Blue Shield of California MAPD Advantage PPO plan starting January 1, 2025. This presentation explains how SFHSS and Blue Shield of California will help members switch to the new plan.
Demographics Report
The yearly report gives us up-to-date info on the people enrolled in health benefits. This report breaks down info on our members by race, gender, age, employer, home neighborhood, and the health benefits they are enrolled in.
SFHSS Executive Director Recruitment Update
The Board is responsible for hiring the Executive Director of the department. This presentation will update what the Board needs to do next.
Closed Session: Appointment of SFHSS Acting Executive Director
No public documents.
Some topics are confidential and are not open to discuss with the public. The Board will discuss who will be the temporary Executive Director until a new one is hired.
Public Comment Protocal and Remote Viewing Instructions
Public Comment Protocol and Remote Viewing Instructions
Remote Meeting Access (WebEx)
Watch at 1:00 pm on February 13, 2025 (SFGovTV schedule)
Click the link to join the meeting - February 13, 2025 HSB Regular Meeting Link
Public Comment Call-In: 415-655-0001 / Access Code: 2662 056 9486
Providing Public Comment:
Listening to the meeting via phone
- Dial into 415-655-0001 and then enter access code 2662 056 9486#, then # again
- Press *3 to enter the Public Comment queue, and you will hear the prompt, “You have raised your hand to ask a question; please wait to speak until the host calls on you.” When the system message says, “Your line has been unmuted,” - THIS IS YOUR TIME TO SPEAK.
- You will be muted when your time to speak has expired.
Watching the meeting on WebEx
- Join via hyperlink February 13, 2025 HSB Regular Meeting Link
- Webinar Password: 1145
- Click on the Raise Hand Icon to be placed in the queue to speak. A raised hand will appear next to your name. When you are unmuted in the system, a request to unmute will appear on your screen, please select unmute to speak.
- When you are unmuted in the system, a request to unmute will appear on your screen, please select unmute to speak. Once you hear me say “Welcome Caller,” you can begin speaking.
- When your time has expired, you will be muted. Please click on the Raise Hand Icon to lower your hand.
Members of the public are encouraged to state their name clearly, although you may remain anonymous. You will hear an audible warning when you have 30 seconds remaining. When your 3 minutes have ended, you will be placed back on mute.
Best Practices when calling in for Public Comment:
• Call from a quiet location
• Speak slowly and clearly
• Turn down any televisions or radios around you
• Address the Commission as a whole, do not address individual CommissionersWritten Public Comment
Persons unable to attend the meeting may submit written public comments regarding an agenda item. These comments will be made part of the official public record and shall be brought to the attention of the Health Service Board. Written public comments expected to be part of the official record should be submitted to the Board email, health.service.board@sfgov.org, and received by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, February 13, 2025, before the meeting. Members can also call 628-652-4646 with any questions.
All comments received by the deadline will be forwarded to Board members, and the Board Secretary will note on the record during the specific agenda item that the Board received written public comment on that item and will include that note in the meeting minutes. In the body of your email, indicate the meeting date and the particular agenda item number. If you do not specify an agenda item, your emailed public comment will be read under general comment.
Questions or comments regarding this meeting or board materials should be directed to:
Board Secretary
c/o San Francisco Health Service System
1145 Market Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94103
email: health.service.board@sfgov.org
phone: 628-652-4646