
Offer Programs

Healthy Behaviors Icon

Offering Programs provides opportunities for employees to engage in well-being activities during their workday.

Programs include skill building and social events that supports positive health and emotional behavior change. Departments that implement effective and recurring programs can help to support employee morale, increase productivity, and build resiliency.

As a Key Player, you will implement a well-being activity at least once per quarter, using SFHSS sponsored activities and department-led toolkits. Work with a SFHSS Well-Being Coordinator on how to tailor and develop effective department specific programs.


SFHSS Sponsored Well-Being Activities

  • Healthy Behavior Seminars

    Healthy Eating Seminars: 

    Healthy eating starts with healthy food choices.  Request an onsite activity that can help individuals to create healthy eating habits that are easy and enjoyable.  

    Examples of healthy eating seminars include: Disease Preventing Foods, Healthy Eating at Work, Savvy Grocery Shopping, and food demonstrations.  

    Physical Activity Seminars:

    Everyone is motivated to move for different reasons.  Bring an onsite activity that can help employees to add more movement into each day.  

    Examples of physical activity seminars include: Exercise at Your Workstation, Get Moving and Your Strong and Healthy Back.  

    Stress Management Seminars:

    The power to manage stress is important for increasing your energy, focus, and productivity.  Request a seminar that can help participants feel calmer, less stiff, and more able to address stressful situations.  

    Examples of stress management seminars include:  Healthy Mind, Healthy Body- Managing Stress, Holiday Stress, and Meditation Made Easy.  

    ComPsych Webinars:

    Provides a variety of webinars and trainings on topics to support your employees mental health and emotional well-being. ComPsych's facilitators are located throughout the country and have backgrounds in either behavioral health or professional training. Topic areas includes:

    • Communication skills
    • Parenting
    • Adult care
    • Personal development
    • Resilience
    • Legal and financial
    • Behavioral health and wellness
    • Family and relationships

    For more information contact: 

    Download the activity description list for more information.  

  • Health Screenings & Coaching

    Health Screenings: 

    Your numbers provide a snapshot of your overall health and can help identify the warning signs of some serious health conditions.  Bring an onsite screening to your workplace to help participants learn their numbers and know their risk.  

    Screenings can include the following measurements:  blood pressure, cholesterol, blood glucose, height and weight (BMI), waist circumference.   


    Lifestyle Coaches are trained healthcare professionals, educated in health topics including nutrition and fitness. They specialize in helping you set a wellness goal and providing you with tools to succeed.  Request for coaching to be brought to your worksite to help participants set goals that matter to them. 

    Coaching sessions can be requested as one-on-one or group format coaching.  

    Download the activity description list for more information.   

  • Weight Management Programs

    The following programs are offered at worksites with limited availability: 

    Healthy Habits Program: 

    In this 10-week program, a Lifstyle Coach will support group participants to adopt healthy behaviors and attitudes for long term weight loss.  

    Topics addressed in this program include stress, sleep, motivation, nutrition, and physical activity.   

    Diabetes Prevention Program:  

    In this 1-year program, individuals at risk for type 2 diabetes can learn to make small, measurable changes that reduce their risk for diabetes.  

    Participants will meet with a Lifestyle Coach for 25 sessions, delivered over 12 months. Contact  to learn more about how to host this program at your worksite.  

    Download the activity description list for more information.  

  • Emotional Well-Being Workshops

    EAP Workshops:

    EAP offers workshops and trainings for your development. Ask your supervisor or work with your Well-Being Coordinator to contact EAP about a workshop or series that may be right for your work unit.

    Topics include: Managing Stress, Effective Communication, Dealing with Difficult People, Time Management, Stress First Aid and Non-Violent Crisis Intervention Training

    For more information contact

    Mental Health First Aid: 

    Mental Health First Aid at Work is a high-impact, skills-based training program that teaches employees how to identify, understand and respond to a person who may be developing or experiencing a mental health concern or crisis.

    Please Note: These 4-hour workshops are designed for leaders, supervisors and managers.

    For more information contact  

    ComPsych Webinars:

    Provides a variety of webinars and trainings on topics to support your employees mental health and emotional well-being. ComPsych's facilitators are located throughout the country and have backgrounds in either behavioral health or professional training. Topic areas includes:

    • Communication skills
    • Parenting
    • Adult care
    • Personal development
    • Resilience
    • Legal and financial
    • Behavioral health and wellness
    • Family and relationships

    For more information contact: 

  • Toolkits & Campaigns

    Department-Led Activities: Champion Toolkits & Guides

    View and download a toolkit to access step-by-step instructions to facilitate a program or activity for your department.  Champions should use the toolkits to to create engagement opportunities that focus on well-being at work.  Need help with implementation or customizing content?  Reach out to for support.

    Campaigns available:

    • Play Your Way (Physical Activity)
    • RECHARGE (Stress Management)
    • Eat Better, Feel Better (Healthy Eating)

How to Request Well-Being Activities

Step 1

Identify the activity you would like to offer

Step 2

Choose the preferred day (6-8 weeks advance notice), time, and location

Step 3

Download and complete the Event Request Form

Step 4

Submit your request to


Well-Being@Work Resources  

Learn more about the tools that can help you raise awareness, offer programs, and create a culture of well-being at your department location. 
